Saturday, March 21, 2020

Persian policy essays

Persian policy essays The Persians use a divide an conquer method to control the Greeks which comes about accidently. The satraps play a role in the method of dividing the Greek due to conflicts with one another. With the Persians assistance the Spartans are able to raise a navy and finally claim victory over the Athenians. As the Spartan power increase the Persians continues to keep the Greeks weak by funding and encourage conflicts between the Greeks. Pharnabazu supported the Spartans. (1.1.6) Tissaphernes supports the Athenians and would play both sides mostly due to advice from Alcibiades. Tissaphernes would only act openly against the Athenians when forced by the Persian King. (1.1.9) Pharnabazus had actively participated in Spartans aide by giving clothing, food, and weapons. (1.124) Tissaphernes had plotted with Pasippidas to organize a revolt. (1.1.32) for which Pasippidas was exiled from Sparta. With the Satraps spliting the funds between Sparta and Athens the war was not making any progress for either side. Due to the continued conflict of policy with Tissaphernes and Pharnabazu, King Darius sent Cyrus to take command and to help the Spartans. (1.4.3) T he Persian King by sending Cyrus to Sparta now made a clear decision to take Sparta's side. Cyrus paid the Spartan salary and increased their wage. He hoped with the increased pay the Athenians crews would come over to the Spartans. (1.5.2-7) The Athenians attempts to see Cyrus by using Tissaphernes. Tissaphernes tried to pursade Cyrus to see the ambassadors. He did this in hopes of keeping the Greek states weak by continued fighting with each other. (1.5.8-9) Tissaphernes command was returned to him after Cyrus death because the King found him valuable. (3.1.3) The cities in Ionia refused to submit to the Persian King. Dercylidas was able to pursade Tissahernes to come to the Greeks side annonamously so Dercylidas marched into Pharnabazus territority. (3.1.9) Tissaphernes was sup...

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